Composition in Next.js Static Properties

Composition is a method to write re-usable segments of code. This is achieved by constructing objects of full behavior by using objects with particular behavior.

It seems like “composition over inheritance” is the new motto. Everyone’s talking about it, and that’s not strange since composition gives you more flexibility by composing functionality to create a new object, while inheritance forces you to extend entities in an inheritance tree.

In the case of getStaticProps the full behavior is the complete object of props a page needs to be rendered. The particular object is the behavior that fetches a particular property in in the props.

export async function getStaticProps(context) =>
({ ...(await getHeader(context), ...(await getData(context))})

To make this method easier to use, one can write simple helper function.

export type TContext = GetStaticPropsContext
export type TComposeFunction<TProps> = (
  ctx: TContext
) => Promise<TStaticPropsResult<TProps>>
export type TStaticPropsResult<TProps> = GetStaticPropsResult<TProps>

export const compose = <TProps>(...funcs: TComposeFunction<TProps>[]) => {
  return async (ctx: TContext): Promise<TStaticPropsResult<TProps>> =>
      async (result, fn) => ({ ...result, ...(await fn(ctx)) }),
      Promise.resolve(<TStaticPropsResult<TProps>>{ props: {} })

export default compose

Which can use use like this.

export const getStaticProps = compose(getCommonStaticProps, getSpecificStaticProps)

Using Promise.all one can also leverage concurrency in the static props.

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